
Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:24:24 GMT


Key Value
Identifier python
Name Python
Type Topic
Creation timestamp Tue, 31 Oct 2023 07:24:24 GMT
Modification timestamp Mon, 20 Nov 2023 07:55:08 GMT

Top-level Functionality

  • Object selection
  • Conveniences functions
    • Active object(s)
    • Selected object(s)
  • Arguments and context (i.e., active object)
  • Duplicating and/or instancing objects
  • Shading objects
  • Converting objects
  • Primitives
  • Mode selection
  • Visibility
  • Transformations
    • Moving objects
    • Rotating objects
    • Scaling objects
    • Applying transforms
  • Multi-purpose
  • Advanced selection
  • 3D cursor, pivots and origins
  • Collection management
  • Modifiers
  • Materials
  • Nodes
  • Textures and images
  • Keyframes and drivers
  • Object constraints

Specific Areas of Functionality

  • Render settings
  • Appending and linking
  • Objects
  • Custom selection
  • Primitives (objects)
    • Meshes
    • Curves
    • Surfaces
    • Metaballs
    • Text
  • Constraints (objects)
  • Modes
  • Scenes
  • Visibility
  • Transformations
    • Translations
    • Rotations
    • Scaling
  • Animations and keyframes
  • Drivers
  • 3D cursor
  • Pivot point
  • Origins
  • Shading
  • Lighting
  • Vertex groups
  • Shape keys
  • Collections
  • Materials
  • World nodes
  • Textures and images
  • Modifiers
  • Physics
    • Fluids
    • Collisions
    • Caches
    • Gas
    • Fire
    • Domains
  • Fake users
  • Common workflows

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